The BG-Series bag-in/bag-out housing is a side servicing filter housing designed to meet the air filtration needs of industries and research facilities that handle dangerous or toxic biological, radiological or carcinogenic materials.
To minimize exposure to harmful contamination while replacing and handling dirty filters, the BG-Series housing incorporates a ribbed bagging ring behind the access door, over which a PVC bag is attached. Once the initial filters are installed and the first bag attached, all filters, both dirty and new, are handled through the bag.
G-Series bag-in/bag-out filter housing allows a single filter element (prefilter, HEPA filter or gas adsorber) to be installed in a low CFM ventilation system. These filter housings are designed for particulate filtration and gas filtration. The G-Series design is built so that the housing can be tested in place and is flexible, accommodating various arrangements of inlet and outlet ports to fit particular applications.
Isolation dampers are manufactured for effective shut-off and isolation of one or more tiers of filters in a hazardous-duty containment exhaust system. The bubble-tight isolation dampers are our top-of-the-line dampers. They are used for isolation of a filter or filter bank primarily during the filter change-out process. In a biohazard environment, the dampers enable the air filtration system to be shut off for decontamination or filter changing. Our isolation dampers are specially designed to provide cost-effective isolation of filter banks with high volumes of air.
The KF-Series non-bag-in/bag-out housing is a high efficiency, side servicing filter housing that has been designed to give the user maximum quality and performance in a non-bag-in/bag-out configuration. This housing is designed for applications in which the bag-in/bag-out procedure is not necessary for filter change-out, but high quality side servicing filter housings are still required. Depending on the user’s requirements, the KF-Series housing may have an assortment of filter arrangements, including pre-filters, HEPA filters, and carbon adsorbers.
The KG-Series gasket seal containment housing is a high efficiency, side servicing filter housing that has been designed to give the user maximum quality and performance in a non-bag-in/bag-out configuration. This housing is typically used in critical processes where dangerous airborne particulate or gases must be prevented from entering the atmosphere.